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Last week for Galloway National Park Consultation
As we enter the final week of the public consultation for a new Galloway National Park, environmental organisations are lending their support for Scotland’s new third National Park
APRS Press Release - Galloway National Park Consultation
Ahead of a council vote on a new Galloway National Park, the latest research has shown that a new National Park brings huge benefits.
How to respond to NatureScot’s consultation on a new Galloway National Park
How to give your views on the proposal for a potential new National Park covering parts of Dumfries and Galloway and South and East Ayrshire. You can access a copy of the draft SCNP & APRS response and an example summary response.
Biodiversity - strategic framework: consultation analysis
Scottish Government publishes a summary and analysis of responses to the public consultation on Scotland’s strategic framework for biodiversity 'Tackling the nature emergency'
Press Release: Galloway National Park Campaign Heads for the Scottish Parliament
Galloway National Park Association’s press release as they head to the Scottish Parliament
MSP Briefing - National Parks October 2024
This MSP briefing looks at the key areas of the two new Scottish Environment LINK reports, ‘Social and Economic Benefits of National Parks’ and ‘Farming in National Parks’.
Farming Thrives in Scotland’s National Parks: New Report
A new report commissioned by Scottish Environment LINK lays out the benefits National Park status brings to farmers operating within them.
Cairngorms National Park Public Consultations
Cairngorms National Park demonstrate how the management of a national park is an inclusive, dynamic and participatory process where members of the public have influence over the decisions made. The Cairngorms National Park Authority are currently carrying out three public consultations.
APRS Press Release - LINK Report on the socio-economic benefits of Scotland’s National Parks
A new report published today, commissioned by Scottish Environment LINK, considers the socio-economic benefits of Scotland’s National Parks for businesses working within them.
New National Park Update - August 2024
Find out about the proposal for a new National Park in Galloway, and opportunities to get your opinion heard.
Comparing Apples and Apples - Professionalising Protected Area Management through standardised terminology
In this blog Duncan MacRae introduces research developed by a task force of the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas proposing an initial lexicon of key terms related to area-based conservation approaches.
Galloway proposed as Scotland’s new National Park
On 22nd July 2024, Mairi Gougeon MSP, the Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands announced that Scottish Ministers were proposing Galloway for designation as a new National Park.
30 by 30 and National Parks
Later this year, the Scottish Government is set to bring forward a Natural Environment Bill which could include amendments to the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000. Earlier this year Scottish Environment LINK released a report called “Protecting 30 percent of Scotland’s land for nature” which SCNP and APRS contributed to. It includes coverage of how National Parks can contribute to biodiversity recovery and meeting 30 by 30.
The Wales Biodiversity Deep Dive – Unlocking the potential of Designated Landscapes
As we look at how National Parks can contribute to 30 by 30 in Scotland (see report from SE LINK), in this article we turn our attention to the 30 by 30 discussion in Wales. Howard Davies, Independent Chair of the Biodiversity Deep Dive – Designated Landscapes expert group provides an overview of how National Parks and National Landscapes in Wales have a crucial role to play in the delivery of 30 by 30 .
Campaign for National Parks - The proposal for a new National Park in North East Wales
This position statement has been prepared by Campaign for National Parks and the Alliance for Welsh Designated Landscapes on the proposal for a new National Park in North East Wales
SCNP welcomes John Mayhew as Chair
SCNP was delighted to welcome John Mayhew as its new Chair at the April 2024 AGM. Read more about John’s appointment and his views on new National Parks in Scotland
New National Parks Update - June 2024
In May 2024, the Scottish Government reiterated its intention to designate at least one new National Park. Following the appointment of the new First Minister and a reshuffle of positions, the responsibility for National Parks now falls within the rural affairs portfolio, under the Cabinet Secretary, Mairi Gougeon MSP.
Polls show strong public support for new National Parks
Recent public opinion polls show very strong support for new National Parks, and for their leadership role in nature recovery in Scotland.
New National Parks update April 2024
An update on the new National Park process - where we are at April 2024