Our Campaign
We are a charity campaigning for National Parks in Scotland
The Scottish Campaign for National Parks (SCNP) is the national charity that campaigns to protect and promote the cause of and case for National Parks in Scotland. SCNP was formed in 1943 and reconstituted in 1990 following the publication of the Countryside Commission for Scotland (CCS) report for the Government on the ‘Mountain Areas of Scotland’, which recommended the creation of National Parks in Scotland.
SCNP’s primary aim is to promote the protection, enhancement and enjoyment of nationally outstanding areas that are National Parks, or are appropriate to be designated as such, or are of sufficient merit to warrant special protection. This is manifest in our support for good stewardship of the country’s best environmental assets and encouragement of environmentally sustainable methods of development, particularly within areas of national park potential.
As well as our support for Scotland’s existing National Parks, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs and the Cairngorms, SCNP is actively campaigning for the creation of new National Parks elsewhere. We can offer support to groups in other areas of outstanding landscape value that are not necessarily seeking National Park status, or who are unsuccessful in their bid for National Park status.
The work we undertake is also supported by other organisations, charities and associations.
Our Aims:
To promote the protection, conservation and enhancement of established National Parks
To increase awareness of the parks and their importance to communities across Scotland and further afield
To protect outstanding areas that are appropriate for designation as National Parks or are of sufficient merit to warrant special protection
To lead and strengthen the National Park movement in Scotland
Our Actions:
To promote the current Scottish Government commitment to designate at least one new National Park by 2026 and support the process leading to designation where possible.
To offer advice to groups and individuals interested in seeking potential National Park status for other areas of Scotland.
Seek to influence government and government departments by responding to policy consultations.
Meet with the existing Parks, NatureScot, and the Scottish Government on a regular basis to discuss matters of mutual interest.
Promote and undertake studies into issues affecting the conservation, enjoyment, and social and economic welfare of areas of outstanding natural, cultural, and scenic heritage and publish results.
Challenge bad practice
Work with others to bring the widest possible experience to bear on National Park issues.